After School Program
During the 2024-2025 school year, we will have 20 openings in our after school program. We will only be accepting students for either 4 or 5 days per week. Students will be engaged in a variety of activities including gymnastics activities, homework assistance, art activities, and games. Our after school program will run until 6:30PM. We do not provide a snack but encourage families to send in a snack with their student that does not contain peanuts or tree nuts.
Elementary Schools that will bus to our location:
We have moved to Virginia Run Elementary School Bussing District and look forward to welcoming Virginia Run students to our program. Your student will be able to ride an FCPS bus to our location and you will receive a $40/month discount.
Elementary Schools that we provide pick up:
Oak Hill, St. Veronica, Nysmith, Fox Mill, and Hunter’s Woods
*If you are interested in our program but do not see your child’s school on our list, we might be able to add your school. Please email us if you are interested.
There is an annual registration fee of $65. The cost of our after school program is $470/month for 5 days a week and $420/month for 4 days a week.

Chemical Reactions Camp! - Naked Egg, crystals, milk and coke, walking water and more!
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Here is a sample schedule for our after school program:
4:00 - 4:30 – Entry, snack and free time. Please note that we do note provide a snack but encourage parents to send a nut free snack with their child/children.
4:30 - 5:15/5:30 – Gymnastics, dance, cheer, or Ninja Fit instruction each day. Classes available will depend on the day/demand.
5:25 – 6:00 – Homework, reading, games, puzzles, or Free time in the gym
6:00-6:30: free play, crafts, games, moon bounces, etc.
Gymnastics, dance and cheer classes can be added to your child's schedule at a 10% discount for those registered in our after school program. Children in our after school program also receive a 10% discount on our school's out day camps. Children in our after school program will receive after care from 8AM to 9AM and 3PM to 6:00PM for no additional charge when they are enrolled in our school's out camp during the school year (Please note that the above mentioned discount and free before/after care is applied only to the days that the child normally attends the after school program)